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No B.s. Marketing to the Affluent

No B.s. Marketing to the Affluent

  • 語言:英文

  • 出版日:2015/3/17

  • 規格:22.9*15.2*0 cm

  • 金石碼:203c412728423

  • Entrepreneurs and small business owners are given a succinct, no B.S. education on today affluent market. Kennedy groups the affluent into three segments ? the ultra-affluent, affluent, and mass-affluent ? and offers pragmatic sales strategies and tools guaranteed to cash in on each one. Case studies are sourced from hundreds of successful Glazer-Kennedy Insider CircleTM clients. This revised edition in the popular No B.S. series is the fastest and surest path to successfully reposition businesses, products, and services to attract customers who don consider price as a determining factor for purchases.Topics covered include: marketing strategies that attract the 20 percent of the U.S. population that holds 70 percent of the affluence; the three chief wants of affluent boomers: life made easy, time saved, not being ripped off; how to tap into the boom in affluent boomers?spending and investing; implementing the ten emotional buy triggers the affluent buyer finds irresistible; developing a high-level, sophisticated positioning and marketing strategy that attracts the one in five households with the highest concentration of discretionary spending power; using direct mailing lists; using the power-language of membership to transform any product and service from ordinary to extraordinary; and increasing referrals with deliberate word-of-mouth marketing.



    • 作者:Kennedy, Dan S., Nanton, Nick (CON)/ Vitale, Joe (FRW)

    • 出版社:Entrepreneur Pr

    • 級別:全一冊


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